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How Offsetting Works


Emissions are generated

From our day-to-day activities including driving and more

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Credits are purchased

Emissions are calculated and credits are purchased for retiring


Projects are funded

Such as carbon capture or clean energy generation or reforestation and more


You've offset

Credits are retired and you're driving responsibly for the distance offset

Buying a voluntary carbon credit provides an impactful way to compensate for your vehicle's emission.

Your purchase of a voluntary carbon credit creates a direct connection to real projects around the world that are changing lives and reversing nature loss while at the same time advancing both climate and sustainability targets.

The nature-based credits that a project issues can provide life changing incomes to rural communities which transform their natural assets, such as a forest, into a revenue generating asset.

This also creates a revenue stream which enables a project to plan with certainty into the future and transform the scale of the investment, therefore contributing to the project's enduring efforts and its permanence.

How Does Net-Hero Offsetting Work

As the leading decarbonisation platform, Net-Hero follows the same principles as mentioned above.

How do we make sure our projects are of the highest quality? We have partnered with one of the leading ratings agencies for the carbon market - BeZero Carbon.

They make sure all of our projects are of the highest possible standard. In fact, offsetting with Net-Hero's portfolio is the highest possible level of quality:


And what's more £1 from every tonne offset goes to our chosen charities respectively

See a sample of our projects here

BeZero’s credit portfolio achieves an AAA+ rating by retiring more than 1 offset credit per tCO2e claimed. The weighted average rating across the recommended portfolio by project is AAA-.

This portfolio is equivalent to 500 tCO2e based on BeZero’s project scores in our ratings framework; 662 credits will be purchased.

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